Shootings and Deaths

When it happened
Where it happenHow many deaths/Injuries

6 December 2007
9 deaths(including the shooter who killed himself)
9 December 2007
5 deaths(including himself)
12 December 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
6 injuries no deaths
2 February 2008
Chicago, Illinois
5 deaths
5 February 2008
COCKEYSVILLE, Maryland4 dead (shooter's 2 parents and 2 brothers)
7 February 2008
San Fernando Valley, California
4 deaths (including a SWAT officer, 2 injuries
7 February 2008Kirkwood, Missouri 6 dead (including the shooter who was shot by police), 2 injuries
7 February 2008Baton Rouge, Louisiana 3 dead (including the shooter who shot herself)
14 February 2008Northern Illinois University's DeKalb 6 dead (including the shooter), 16 injuries
27 February 2008Los Angeles7 injuries
3 March 2008Florida2deaths (including the gunman who shot himself) and 5 injuries
3 March 2008Memphis, Tennessee6 deaths 3 injuries
29 July 2008Knoxville, Tennessee2 deaths and 7 injuries
9 Oct 2008Knoxville, Tennessee1 deaths, and gunman injured

Monday, March 17, 2008

Gun laws and the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court in the USA has rarely taken a stand on the issue of individual's rights to own a gun. This is about to be changed, however when the Supreme Court hears a case about a security guard in Washington DC who would like to own a gun at his house for "protection". Currently Washington DC has a gun ban in the area, saying that it is an urban area with no need for guns. Surprisingly, there has been no mass shootings in Washington DC, although there was a scare when a man with a shotgun and a sword walked towards the White House.

This case could set a precident for gun laws in the USA. While many states have their own gun laws that would mean that the new laws would have little or no effect, the possibility is definitely there for change.

Not too surprisingly, the Vice President who famously shot his hunting partner, supports gun ownership with very few restrictions.

Sadly, we have to give respect for the rest of the administration who has managed a semi-realistic view on gun ownership and rights. (it just always feels dirty to support Bush)

We'll keep posting as the case continues.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The march of death begins

Today is March the third (in the usa, anyway) and there has already been another shooting. This time a gun man opened fire in a Wendy's restaurant in Florida. He managed to kill two people including himself and injure another five others.