Shootings and Deaths

When it happened
Where it happenHow many deaths/Injuries

6 December 2007
9 deaths(including the shooter who killed himself)
9 December 2007
5 deaths(including himself)
12 December 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
6 injuries no deaths
2 February 2008
Chicago, Illinois
5 deaths
5 February 2008
COCKEYSVILLE, Maryland4 dead (shooter's 2 parents and 2 brothers)
7 February 2008
San Fernando Valley, California
4 deaths (including a SWAT officer, 2 injuries
7 February 2008Kirkwood, Missouri 6 dead (including the shooter who was shot by police), 2 injuries
7 February 2008Baton Rouge, Louisiana 3 dead (including the shooter who shot herself)
14 February 2008Northern Illinois University's DeKalb 6 dead (including the shooter), 16 injuries
27 February 2008Los Angeles7 injuries
3 March 2008Florida2deaths (including the gunman who shot himself) and 5 injuries
3 March 2008Memphis, Tennessee6 deaths 3 injuries
29 July 2008Knoxville, Tennessee2 deaths and 7 injuries
9 Oct 2008Knoxville, Tennessee1 deaths, and gunman injured

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Children in the line of fire

Another shooting has taken place. This time there were 8 injuries but no fatalities thus far. Three children are in critical condition, however. Those responsible for this shooting have not yet been found. Officially the police are not naming any suspects.

Read the story here

Friday, February 15, 2008

what's it worth?

I somehow doubt these numbers take into consideration the mass shootings that are becoming part of our society on a daily basis. So far this month there have been 6 mass shootings in the USA that have made international headlines. This isn't a problem with outlaws getting guns. This is a problem of ordinary people buying guns legally and then shooting people with that legal gun. If your sick of it like me, do a bit of research and find your state representative's email address online. Send him/her an email and explain your concerns and what you want to be done. I'm not suggesting an all out ban on guns, i'm talking more mandatory education on gun safety, free counselling clinics in EVERY AREA, or better background checks on gun buyers. Some simple steps would save a lot of lives. Are they worth it?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

More death

Its always sad to see more deaths from gun violence, especially when the violence breaks out on a campus. So many people attend University to gain a better education, to make more out of their life. It's hard to hear that someone can walk in and snatch that life away without a word.

At a University near Chicago, a man opened fire in a classroom of 140 people. Reports are still coming in, but it looks like there is a total of 5 deaths, including the gunman, and many more causalities, some places reported as many as 17.

This isn't how a higher education is supposed to go. When are we going to see some real problem solving by the government? They feel free to spend trillions of our tax dollars on "keeping peace" in a foreign country, but seem to care nothing about the violence that is plaguing the country on such a regular basis. What sort of budget is the President willing to spend to help stop these weekly episodes of gun violence? Are we willing to talk real solutions yet?

Friday, February 8, 2008

Making the harder choice

Apparently a man gave more than just serious thought to opening fire during pre-game excitement at the Super bowl last week. From the look of things, he stopped himself. I am so proud of him for stopping himself. It took a lot of courage to pull himself up at the last minute, contact his family, and ask for help.

While life was definitely not going his way, and he felt the only way to be heard was through the deaths of others, he was able to make a better decision.

I commend Kurt William Havelock for NOT firing a gun, even when he had the chance and the motive.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Law, anyone?

i recently watched the movie "Shooter". I had a huge problem with the movie because it felt like it was sponsored by the NRA. Not only were guns glorified in almost a god status, the movie encouraged the idea that "guns could solve the problem". I hate this concept because it negates the rights of the public for public justice (and no i don't suggest that public executions are the way to go). People need to have laws in place that *everyone* is held to. If guns solve the problem the only law that is obeyed is "The person with the biggest gun and fastest draw wins". That is not a good basis for society.

Apparently this idea that guns really do solve problems was not just in the movies. 52-year-old Charles Thornton, decided he too could take the law into his own hands. He walked into a council meeting and shot 5 people dead,wounding two others. Apparently his thoughts were shared by his brother who said, ""My brother went to war tonight with the people and government that were putting torment and strife into his life and he ended it," Gerald Thornton said. "I'm OK with it."

If this is the kind of law you want to live by, you will live a dangerous and short life indeed.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

More gun violence

The media reports are just starting to come out here. We still don't know for sure how many have died or how many wounded, but we do know there has been another shooting in the USA.

This time it was in suburban Chicago. In a women's clothing store a man opened fire. It has been speculated that this was a robbery. It doesn't really matter though, cause several people have still died. The reason for their death isn't going to be of much comfort for the families.

We had so hoped the gun violence would stop this year.